Saturday, April 28, 2007

Some insight into my art.

I call this sketch "Falling Dragon". It's one of those sketches that I have that has existed in many incarnations. This is an old one. The scenery and the style of the dragon varies but it's always depleted and falling from the sky. "Why?" you may ask. It's because this is my piece that represents emotional fatigue. Whenever I
feel I can't carry on I sketch a dragon falling from the sky.

The dragon obviously represents me. The scenery varies based on how I wish to deal with my emotional depletion. In this case I made a rocky seascape because at this time in my life I wanted nothing to do with people for a while. If having people around me was what I thought was the solution to my problem, I would have the dragon crashing in a cityscape.

So that's that. Just thought I'd share some of the "secrets" of why I do the sketches I do.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Just sayin'

While I'm not a big fan of how Canada and the United States have dealt with 9/11 I do feel reassured about something I remembered about World War II. During World War II America and then Canada (for some stupid reason) decided to put their Japanese citizens in internment camps (click the link for some of the details.) Why I'm reassured by this is that after 9/11 the same wasn't done to Moslem's. This tells me that both countries have evolved beyond that level or "racism". I'm not saying that racism no longer exists I'm just saying that it's changed a lot. Now a days you can't just round up citizens and put them in concentrations camps because of their race. Now a days we find that completely appalling.

I'd just thought I'd share that and maybe give some hope to those who despair for society.

Thursday, April 05, 2007


Here we go. Three things the gynocentric media doesn't want you to know.

1. Men get baby panic too
Even though we are essentially fertile the whole of our lives we still have to take into consideration our age when it comes to having children. We still have to be healthy enough to protect our offspring and to provide for them. So yes our biology also causes us to panic as we get older in terms of having children.

2. Men also get pressured into getting married and having kids
The same people who pressure women into getting married and into having kids also pressure men into having them. A male beyond his mid twenties without a family is still looked upon as being at best an over grown child. Me and men my age are constantly being asked why we aren't married or have children. In fact people often call our sexual orientation and our virility into question.

3. Men also have to choose between family and career
I shouldn't have to explain this one but I will. A lot of women seem not to understand that men are told that the best thing they can do for their families is to work themselves to death so their family can have a good life. Like it or not men who choose to be with their families more also miss out on promotions and job opportunities because they want to be more involved in their children's lives. Their sexual orientation and their work ethic gets called into question.

So I just wanted to share that. I find women oriented media has a tendency of trying to alienate women from men and one of the tactics they use is to tell women that men have it so much easier than women and that women are the "put upon" sex so only they know what it is like to suffer. Today that is annoying the shit out of me.