Wednesday, March 21, 2007

E8 Formula

Al righty I'm not holding my breadth on this one in terms of expecting responses. This particular subject matter I think isn't of interest to those who have read my blog but hey maybe it is.

So  I want to talk about the recently solved E8 formula. A mathematical formula so big that if written by hand in tiny letters it would cover the island of Manhattan. In fact if the results of the formula were written in a grid with each cell being 1 inch by 1 inch the whole thing would be 7 miles long on each side. Yep huge! So I'm including links to 2 short articles (article 1, article 2) on the subject that I hope you'll read and then leave your thought and opinions about this whole thing. It doesn't have to be specifically about the formula it could also be about other related things to it as well like "Wow those people need a life!" or something like that.


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