Thursday, May 10, 2007

Things I've considerd blogging about but then decided not to.

So here's a number of subjects I had contemplated blogging about but then I thought they were just to possibly uninteresting to other people so I decided not to.

1. What to eat leading up to having sex.
2. Shaving down below or making the carpet match the drapes. The male version.
3. A bit of basic sex advice.
4. Why I think I should stop telling women they're hot.
5. Is there anyone fighting against racism that isn't a racist?
6. I think everyone (or at least the people of the same gender) in a threesome needs to be bisexual to make it really work.
7. American Idol is fixed.
8. Are world leaders and really rich people mentally ill? Why I ask may surprise you.
9. Why most people in society need to be gullible or at least easy to manipulate.
10. Seriously comic books have to quit being so expensive! And they have to stop with the insanely huge shitty crossover stories. It would be nice for an interesting story to end in only one or two issues or at least in one title. Keep the giant multi-title crossovers for special occasions. Make them an event not an inconvenience.

Anyway I just felt like writing something so I thought I'd share. Also I predict no one will be interested as I have initially postulated


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