Friday, April 27, 2007

Just sayin'

While I'm not a big fan of how Canada and the United States have dealt with 9/11 I do feel reassured about something I remembered about World War II. During World War II America and then Canada (for some stupid reason) decided to put their Japanese citizens in internment camps (click the link for some of the details.) Why I'm reassured by this is that after 9/11 the same wasn't done to Moslem's. This tells me that both countries have evolved beyond that level or "racism". I'm not saying that racism no longer exists I'm just saying that it's changed a lot. Now a days you can't just round up citizens and put them in concentrations camps because of their race. Now a days we find that completely appalling.

I'd just thought I'd share that and maybe give some hope to those who despair for society.


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