Saturday, April 28, 2007

Some insight into my art.

I call this sketch "Falling Dragon". It's one of those sketches that I have that has existed in many incarnations. This is an old one. The scenery and the style of the dragon varies but it's always depleted and falling from the sky. "Why?" you may ask. It's because this is my piece that represents emotional fatigue. Whenever I
feel I can't carry on I sketch a dragon falling from the sky.

The dragon obviously represents me. The scenery varies based on how I wish to deal with my emotional depletion. In this case I made a rocky seascape because at this time in my life I wanted nothing to do with people for a while. If having people around me was what I thought was the solution to my problem, I would have the dragon crashing in a cityscape.

So that's that. Just thought I'd share some of the "secrets" of why I do the sketches I do.


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